Volunteer AO:

Make a Difference in Your Community

Auburn-Opelika Tourism offers residents and frequent visitors a wide range of exciting volunteer opportunities through Volunteer AO. This program allows you to share your hometown hospitality, strengthen your community, and enhance the Auburn-Opelika experience for area visitors. Volunteers are essential to our success, and we invite you to join us in making a positive impact.

Join our Volunteer AO Facebook Group and fill out the form below to stay connected and informed about upcoming events. As a Volunteer AO member, you can choose to help during meetings, conventions, community events, or sporting events, fitting your volunteer activities around your schedule.

What’s in It for You?

  • Swag: Volunteer AO shirt, hat, and other items.
  • Recognition: Quarterly luncheons, guest speakers, continuing education, and volunteer spotlights.
  • Rewards: Gifts and prizes for most completed volunteer hours.
  • Service Hours: Verified hours provided, if applicable.
  • Event Items: Event-branded items from partner events.

Join Volunteer AO today and be part of the community’s biggest events while earning recognition and rewards. Your involvement makes a difference!

Karen Gilmore, Service & Event Coordinator at Auburn-Opelika Tourism

Karen Gilmore

Service Coordinator

P: 334.734.2987
send an email »

Travis Harrison, Event & Marketing Specialist at Auburn-Opelika Tourism

Travis Harrison

Marketing & Events Specialist

P: 334.501.3285
send an email »